Artstor Travel Awards 2013: Cities

Antoni Gaudí | La Pedrera (Mila House) | 1906-1910 | Image and original data provided by Shmuel Magal, Sites and Photos;
The Artstor Travel Awards are back and they are now open to undergraduate students! This year the theme is cities: their histories and development, their depictions in art and documentation, their architecture, their ruins, their governments, their peoples, their myths.
Create an Artstor image group or groups and a single essay of 500 words or less that creatively introduces us to a city or cities we did not know or reveals an intriguing aspect of the cities we do know. Five winners— college and graduate students, scholars, curators, educators, and librarians in any field—will receive $1,500 each to help support travel-related educational and scholarly activities. Winning essays and other selected submissions will be published on the Artstor Blog, Artstor website, and via our social media channels. Deadline extended to Tuesday, May 28.
- Applicants must create one or more image groups with a maximum of 100 images total exclusively from the Artstor Digital Library and save their image group(s) in their registered user account.
- Applicants must submit a single essay in English no longer than 500 words explaining why this image group(s) about a city or cities is exceptionally useful for teaching, research, or scholarship in his/her area of specialization in the arts, architecture, humanities, or sciences. Each applicant may submit only one essay.
- All college and graduate students, scholars, curators, educators, and librarians who are at least 18 years of age and associated with institutions that subscribe to the Artstor Digital Library are eligible to apply. To see if your institution subscribes to Artstor, visit our Current subscribers’ page.
- The names, essays, and image groups of all submitters may be published on the Artstor public website, and may be shared by Artstor in other venues, such as in the Artstor blog and the ARTstor newsletter.
- Winners are solely responsible for any taxes or other costs associated with these awards and will receive a 1099 tax form at the end of the year.
- Deadline for entries: 11:59 PM EDT May 28, 2013; Winners announced: June 10, 2013; Awards will be made by: July 1, 2013
Application instructions:
- Register for a free Artstor account and fill out all the information fields. If you already have an account, log in, then click on “Edit my profile” on the upper right corner and make sure all the information is complete and current. Entries with missing or outdated fields may be disqualified.
- Create the image group (or groups) that you wish to submit. Note that your image group cannot include Personal Collection or Institutional images.
- On the Artstor Digital Library menu bar, go to Find, then choose Unlock password-protected folder. Enter the password travelawards. The Travel Awards Submissions folder will now be accessible under Unlocked Folders; in it you will find a folder with your initials and surname on it.
- Copy your image group(s) into the folder with your name.
- Enter your name, email address, and organization affiliation along with your essay as an image group description (you can copy and paste from another document), then save it.
- Log off once you have completed the submission process. You’re done!
To view the complete image groups for the Travel Awards-winning essays, visit the Artstor Digital Library’s Featured Groups and click on Travel Awards.