Free resources and special savings to help remote teaching and learning

JSTOR provides a growing amount of free content and research tools that can help you support your students under difficult remote learning circumstances.

Open Access highlights

Explore over 6,000 Open Access ebooks, including:
Communicating Climate Change: A Guide for Educators How the World Changed Social Media A People's History of Modern Europe Social Theory after the Internet: Media, Technology, and Globalization

More than 50 Open Access journals, including:
Teaching and Learning Inquiry Journal of Economic Perspectives Signs and Society Conservation & Society

Public collections

Artstor offers approximately 1.3 million freely accessible images and media from library special collections, faculty research, and institutional history materials, as well as hundreds of thousands of Open Access images from partner museums. Some highlights include:

A page from the Devi-Mahatmya, ca. 1640
A page from the Devi-Mahatmya, ca. 1640. Image and data provided by The Cleveland Museum of Art. CCO 1.0.

Cleveland Museum of Art

More than 10,000 years of history from every corner of the globe in nearly 29,000 selections from the museum’s encyclopedic collection, including precious jewels and scrolls from China, Japanese screens and kimonos, and African and Native American ritual attire and objects.

Clemente Susini, wax anatomical figure of reclining woman, 1771-1800
Clemente Susini, wax anatomical figure of reclining woman, 1771-1800. Science Museum Group Collection Online. CC BY 4.0.

Science Museum Group collection

A selection of nearly 50,000 images from the Science Museum Group (UK) spanning science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine.

J. Willis, The lives and tragical deaths of Hamlet, prince of Denmark, and the lovely Ophelia. ca. 1823
J. Willis, The lives and tragical deaths of Hamlet, prince of Denmark, and the lovely Ophelia. ca. 1823. Image and data provided by the Folger Shakespeare Library. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.

Folger Shakespeare Library

More than 8,000 images illuminating the history and output of Shakespeare and theater in general. The perfect complement to the JSTOR Understanding Series on Shakespeare’s works.

Ethan Rilly, The Nervous Party, 2006
Ethan Rilly, The Nervous Party, 2006. Image and data from the OCAD U Zine Library

The Ontario College of Art and Design University Zine Collection

A catalog of a wide range of handmade zines; each record includes an image of the cover and a description of its contents, opening up the world of small-circulation, self-published works.

Library-contributed collections

JSTOR’s growing Open Community Collections feature special collections from libraries that have been made freely accessible to everyone. Highlights include:

Classroom teaching to the class of 1954, photograph of six student nurses in the classroom. From the Philadelphia General Hospital School of Nursing
Classroom teaching to the class of 1954. Alumni Association of the Philadelphia General Hospital School of Nursing.

Philadelphia General Hospital School of Nursing

As seen in JSTOR Daily’s “Nurses Have Always Been Heroes,” these images from the 1880s to the 1970s offer a glimpse of the significant contributions made by the profession to the American health care system.

Presse-Photo-Syndikat, military dirigible with basket aloft (1914-1918). Webster Collection WWI Photos, Trinity College Library.
Presse-Photo-Syndikat, military dirigible with basket aloft (1914-1918). Webster Collection WWI Photos, Trinity College Library.

Trinity College Webster Collection WWI Photos

World War I photographs taken in Germany, including Red Cross, military, and prisoner of war activities.

Etheostoma osburni (Candy darter, Finescale Saddled darter) Etheostoma osburni (Candy darter, Finescale Saddled darter), Roanoke College Freshwater Fish Collection

Roanoke College Freshwater Fish

Over 800 digitized photographic slides of Virginia’s freshwater fish, including geospatial data.

Recorded Webinar

Flip the deficit script!

What if we made students’ life-research experiences the focus of curriculum design for information literacy? A seasoned group of scholar-librarians addresses the question.

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Recorded Webinar

How to build search skills with JSTOR

This webinar highlights JSTOR features that help students build search skills and craft better research strategies.

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Research Basics

JSTOR’s free and open self-paced course is designed to help early college and college-bound students learn academic research skills.

Learn about effective searching, evaluating credibility, and properly citing sources.

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Text Analyzer

A new way to search JSTOR: simply drag & drop your document in our new Text Analyzer and find related articles!

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The Understanding series

Pick a passage from a growing list of widely studied works and instantly see all the articles and chapters in JSTOR quoting that passage. Selections include the U.S. Constitution, Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women, and Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech.

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