Your institution holds rich and unique collections that are critical to research, teaching, and learning. Yet these resources can be difficult for scholars to discover and use, and time consuming and expensive to support. We can help.

Share your collections openly on JSTOR, the platform where millions begin their academic work. Researchers can access your collections—without paywalls—alongside a rich trove of journals, books, images, audio, video, and other primary source materials, bringing greater value to you and your institution.

Join a robust platform for research and learning

Reach the scholars, faculty, and students around the world who need your collections for their research—without paywalls.

  • Make your collections open and discoverable alongside relevant scholarly content, including ebooks, journals, research reports, images, audio, video, and other primary source materials.
  • Promote your institution with a unique branded page for browsing, subcollection groupings, and searching within your collections.
  • Take advantage of the JSTOR platform’s robust search, innovative tools for teaching and learning, and usage data.
  • Receive ample storage, including five terabytes with the ability to upgrade.

Experience global reach and usage

The first 300 institutions sharing 1,600 collections during our three-year pilot garnered more than 3.3 million item requests from 234 countries and territories, with 63% of that traffic coming from the open web.

  • Magnify reach with continuous Google indexing
  • Increase discovery with EBSCO Discovery Service™ (EDS), OCLC, and ProQuest/Ex Libris
  • Evaluate impact with COUNTER 5-compliant usage statistics

Plus, it’s easy to build and publish your collections on JSTOR with the collection loader tool included in this service. If you need more help, we also offer collection harvesting.

Complete the form, start your trial, and see how easy it is to upload and share your collections on JSTOR.

Explore contributing institutions

Open Shared Collection
module image: <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">The Sports Research Center Collection from Cleveland Public Library</a>

The Sports Research Center Collection from Cleveland Public Library

Delve into nearly 250 research-level baseball holdings from the Cleveland Public Library’s Sports Research Center spanning 1853 to present.

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Open Shared Collection
module image: <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">The Hip Hop Collection from Cornell University Library</a>

The Hip Hop Collection from Cornell University Library

Explore the largest-known institutional collection of 500 scarce party and event flyers about early hip hop culture from 1977 to 1984.

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Open Shared Collection
module image: <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">The History of Hong Kong in Drawings from Hong Kong Baptist University Library</a>

The History of Hong Kong in Drawings from Hong Kong Baptist University Library

Tour over 300 landscape sketches from the 1970s to 2000s that illustrate dramatic changes in Hong Kong scenery and landmarks from native-born artist, Mr. Kong Kai Ming (江啟明).

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Open Shared Collection
module image: <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">The Voter Documents Collection from Xavier University of Louisiana</a>

The Voter Documents Collection from Xavier University of Louisiana

Investigate poll tax receipts and voter registration cards from the 1929 to 1952 records of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament who served on the Xavier University of Louisiana campus.

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See all open collections on JSTOR

Through decades of offering trusted nonprofit resources like JSTOR and Portico, ITHAKA has built the infrastructure services that enable you to make your collections discoverable and free of paywalls to a global community of faculty, students, and researchers, and to ensure your content remains accessible for generations to come.