On this day: Michaelmas
- Raphael; Saint Michael and the Devil; c. 1503-04; Musée du Louvre. Image and original data provided by SCALA, Florence/ART RESOURCE, N.Y.; artres.com; scalarchives.com; © 2006, SCALA, Florence/ART RESOURCE, N.Y.
- Carlo Crivelli | Saint George | ca. 1472 | Image © The Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Christian festival of Michaelmas, also known as the Feast of Saint Michael the Archangel, is celebrated in many parts of the world on September 29.
Michaelmas celebrates the story of Saint Michael defeating Satan, which is often depicted in the motif of Saint George and the Dragon, Saint George being the Archangel Michael’s earthly counterpart. The earliest depictions of this story go all the way back to the 10th century. The images of Saint George fighting the dragon in the Artstor Digital Library span centuries.
- Unknown; Initial Q: Saint Michael and the Dragon; about 1240 – 1250. Image and original data provided by The J. Paul Getty Museum; getty.edu
- Albrecht Dürer; Saint Michael Fighting the Dragon; 1498. National Gallery of Art; nga.gov
- Emmanuel Fremiet, executed by Maison Monduit; Saint Michael Slaying the Dragon; c. 1897; Musée d’Orsay, Paris, France. Image and original data provided by Réunion des Musées Nationaux / Art Resource, N.Y.
- Paris Bordone; Saint George and the Dragon; c. 1530; Pinacoteca vaticana. Image and original data provided by SCALA, Florence/ART RESOURCE, N.Y. artres.com,; scalarchives.com © 2006, SCALA, Florence/ART RESOURCE, N.Y.
- English; Chess Piece in the Form of Saint George Slaying the Dragon; ca. 1250. Image © The Metropolitan Museum of Art
- Spanish (Valencian) Painter; Saint Michael and the Dragon; first quarter 15th century. Image © The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Traditional celebrations in the British Isles include a feast of well-fattened goose to protect against financial hardship in the coming year. In Scotland, Michaelmas is celebrated with Struan Micheil, a large, scone-like cake, made from the grains and cereals from the field, baked in lambskin and moistened with sheep’s milk which sounds…interesting! Gifts of the Michaelmas Daisy were also traditionally given to bid farewell to the productive harvest season and welcome a new one of prosperity.

George Cruikshank; September: Michaelmas Gander. Ackland Art Museum, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill