JSTOR Archival Journals and Primary Sources Collection

International higher education institutions can choose a fee model option that provides immediate access to all JSTOR licensed archival journals and primary sources content via a single collection. We offer savings tiers for higher education institutions outside of the U.S. and Canada reflecting a percentage reduction in the base full fees for the collection.

Individual multidisciplinary and discipline-specific collections

For licensing individual multi-discipline or discipline-specific collections, we offer savings tiers for international higher education institutions reflecting a percentage reduction in the base fees for archival journals collections. Base fees are those shown on U.S. universities and four-year colleges.

Our pricing accounts for the financial circumstances in countries worldwide. We have carefully classified each country based on trends in library budgets, institutional endowments, and economic circumstances.


Your archival journal collection fees are based on your classification, which is modeled on the Carnegie Classifications. If you do not have a JSTOR classification or a Carnegie Classification, please contact us with the following details:

  1. Total number of active annual print serials subscriptions taken by your institution’s library (including all departmental or faculty libraries and both foreign and domestic titles)
  2. Total number of volumes in your institution’s library (including all departmental and faculty libraries)
  3. Number of students at your institution (or full-time staff and researchers if you are not an academic institution)
  4. Number of faculty members at your institution

Artstor collection

For licensing the Artstor collection on the JSTOR platform, we offer savings tiers for international higher education institutions.

Our pricing accounts for the financial circumstances in countries worldwide. We have classified each country based on trends in library budgets, institutional endowments, and economic circumstances.